Thursday, October 23, 2014

Some Things Are Hard For Me :: IKEA

I've been having some trouble lately.  I don't think its excessive, possibly even the same amount of difficulty as other people experience, but we just... don't talk about it?  Well, bust me outta that mold, because I want to tell you of my difficulties.  

Today, I want to tell you about IKEA.  Ohmylanta.  I decided that I needed a couch, which seems reasonable enough.  So one morning, while Handsome was hunting, RG & I hightailed it to the 'burgh and proceeded to meet up with friends and shop through the lovely swede's store.  Took about an hour & a half, again, reasonable.  And then we got the big stuff ordered, and the small stuff carried to the check out, et cetera and et cetera.  All normal business right up until I went to check out and realized that my wallet was in my office.  In Erie.


Cue the panic without the disco.  So we left our stuff with the understanding check out girl, and left in a tizzy.  I pushed Riley's stroller to the car, at which point I realized that I had just stolen 5 candles, as they were in the stroller.  Whoops.  My girl & I headed to the nearest bank, praying a) that they were open past noon on a Saturday, and b) that they would accept my passport and check in order to get cashola and pay for my beloved couch.

They were.  They did.  We made it back, paid for everything this time, and were instructed to head across the street and pick up our goods.  Our merry band of two first made a "quick" stop at Steak & Shake, which took 75 minutes + .  Because that's reasonable.  We finally made it to furniture pick-up, were aided with loading but not with the strapping down of things.  "You know how to use straps, right?"  Sure I do.  It just took me another hour.   And then two hours driving back home. 

It was a doozy of a trip.  Did I remember to mention that the couch we picked out was the chaise/loveseat combo, but the couch I purchased was the chaise/couch combo, and so now we've got 21 inches to walk through into our living room.  But whatevs.  I have a place to sit that doesn't require a crane to get me back up, and for that, my ordeal was worth it.

We've already had such a good time using these cushions.
It does make it so much more homey in here!

Tell me, is this an average amount of difficulty?  Or excessive?
<3 M.


  1. Those feeeeeeet!!!!!!!!

  2. In order to truly enjoy large furniture purchases, one must suffer. You have suffered, now you are free to enjoy!


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