Monday, October 13, 2014

Toddlers & Art :: Finger Painting In A Box

Thus far, up until last week, I somehow I ignored the fact that my daughter, RG, might like to make things.  I mean, I loooooove to make things, and Riley loves all things, but I didn't make the connection.  It took her coming home, repeatedly, with crafts from daycare, for me to realize that we had never actually made a craft ourselves.  Unless pens from Mommy's purse and an old take-out menu count.  In which case, we've made 2.

The more I thought about it, the more I wanted to be intentional with creating things with my 20 mo. old (SERIOUSLY.  HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?!?  YES, I KNOW I'M SHOUTING, BUT I'M IN SHOCK!).  We've had a few very fun projects so far, and I think I might be hooked.  Now, the projects RG & I do, they will never be perfect.  Or very well-planned.  Or necessarily attractive by the time all is said and done.  But we will have fun.  Of that, you can be most certain.

Today's art project comes to you courtesy of IKEA, who loves providing more cardboard boxes than any living soul knows what to do with.  Last night, after unpacking and wrangling and sweating and baptist-cursing (you know, like "dang it!" and "for the love!" and "I swear, I'm gonna........."), we had put together not only a child's chair, stuffed wingback, and couch-that-is-too-large-for-our-living-room, but also an impressive stack of cardboard sheets and boxes.

And the boxes, they spoke to me.  They said "We can hold things.  All sorts of things.  Things like messes."  And BOOM.  Inspiration.  

So this afternoon, I took sweet little Riley, got her down to a diaper, and plopped her in one of the boxes in our sun porch, which was by 4 PM nice and toasty warm.  Then I started handing her jars of finger paint.  I showed her how to use it (Is that an abomination?  That a toddler wouldn't know how to finger paint?  I felt abominable in that moment.  And not at all snowman-like.) and then just let her go wild.  She'd get tired of a color, and ask for more, and I'd throw another into the ring.  

Things started a little slow, but she quickly caught on, and I am proud to report that she now handles finger paints with at least moderate skill.  And by "moderate skill" I obviously mean she can slather with the best of them!

Lots of mess, oh yes.
But lots of mess IN ONE SPOT.

Next time we do this, I'd change a few things:

  1. Get better quality paints.  The Dollar Tree origins of the paints was not a big deal until bath time, when the blue was staining her skin, and I happened to remember that tomorrow is picture day.  We did eventually get the smurf-ness to fade, but it's still there somewhat.  I'd definitely go up in price some to avoid discolored children.
  2. Speaking of bathtime, for the love, put the box in the bathroom!  The mess was wholey contained, right up until RG had to go the whole way through the house in order to get in a bath.  Luckily Handsome stepped in and provided a towel, with which I straight-jacketed my child and carried her through like she was foul garbage.  She thought it was a game.  We were both happy.  But keeping clean-up in mind when planning these things out is going to prevent a lot of headache in the future, I can tell.
Otherwise, we had a ton of fun, and I was happy that Riley got to be happy.  Plus, it gave me a few minutes (probably 20 or so!) of not hearing "uppy!?" or "block-shhh" or picking up legos or naming every. single. Sesame Street character 14 times in her book.  Yes, hearing "Elbo?" is cute once.  Even twice.  57 times in, it gets old.

What art have you been making lately?  Got any great ideas for projects that should take place in a box?  Please share, I've got plenty of boxes yet to go through!!

<3 M.

1 comment:

  1. If she gets any cuter, I will actually die. Please put naked, painty, Smurf RG on your Christmas card. I need it on my fridge.

    Also, this idea is genius, and I might actually use it with my NEARLY SEVEN YEAR-OLD (seriously, I'm with you on the shouting - HOW DOES THIS HAPPEN???) because she is always wanting to paint and I am never wanting to clean up the mess.


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