Monday, November 10, 2014

Inspiration for Making :: A List

Oh my.  You all.  Y'all.  I've got some ideas.  Coming out my ears in fact.  So many that I'm finding it hard to keep everything straight, and so if you will indulge me, I'm going to list them here.  Handsome has gently asked me to "stop. buying. flipping. fabric." and so I'm trying, I really am, to use what I've got currently, before indulging my fabric buying addiction any further.  Also, rather than spending $$ on a design wall, which serious makers apparently have, to see all of their ideas laid out, I'm basically making a virtual one.  So now you know what you're in for.

And so here we go!

As much as I keep ignoring the fact, there is a new baby coming our way in less than 3 months.
This new baby, s/he is going to be born into the cold, cold PA winter.
That means we will need warmth, which to me screams flannel.
I love flannel.
And these lovely Cloud9 and Birch Organic Flannels, well, they meet the bill perfectly.
Deadline: January 2015
(middle image via)

We've got ourselves a couch now, and its lovely.
Everything I dreamed it could be.
Perfect for sitting, snuggling, resting... I could go on.
But we've got no pillows, and we've got next-to-no throws that are larger than crib-sized.
Which is fine for crib sitting, but not great for couch snuggling.
These Hopewell Workshop pieces are lovely, and reminiscent of a design I've had flitting around in my head for eons.
Kona solids and Essex yarn-dyed Linens will do me just right, I think.
I can't wait to try out some fancy designs on the small canvas pillows provide!

This one, this is a gift.
See, I fell for V & Co.'s ombre fabrics when they first came out.
And so, like any good sewist, I bought them by the yard and promptly hoarded them.
I've got some long-range plans for the majority of the colors, but the purple & orange, well...
They're Clemson colors, no two ways about it.
And I know a little girl who will not appreciate this but she needs more Clemson in her life.
So I've got plans to flesh out another idea I've had ever since making my first ruffle quilt.
A friend & I are planning to splurge on babysitters and spend a day with ruffles.
Hopefully there will be 2 quilts at the end of the day.
Maybe even a tutorial, if you're lucky!

More Kona solids and Essex Linen, yes.
Which may seem uninspired.
But the heart wants what the heart wants, and I can't help it if these combos speak to me so loudly.
I'm planning on using Fresh Lemon Quilt's book, purchased last winter, to make a sampler.
Except not just any sampler.
I want to make the squares in all different scales, and arrange it similar to the star quilt on the right.
I've never made a sampler before, so that will be a new experience.
I've also never followed patterns, nor planned everything so carefully as this will require.
New skills in the new year, I'm so very excited!
This will be a queen-sized quilt for our bed.
We haven't had a new one in, oh, 4 years or so, so this will be a real treat!
There are a few other ideas I have floating around.  Ideas such as Old-fashioned Chenille Quilt (perhaps with a pieced top this time...!) and Christmas Stockings for Riley & myself (handsome already has his!), a large floor pillow for my sweet girl in Sesame Street fabric (she's crazy about them, despite never seeing the show), and a t-shirt quilt for my darling girl backed in some vintage Sesame Street sheeting (there's a theme, are you seeing it?).  I've recently made the little punkin a quiet book, which I can't wait to share with you once I get some pictures of it.  Finally, I'm in the process of making a custom-ordered leather duffle, and I can't wait to see how it turns out!  Items like that, where I have to do the designing and the sewing, there's always a bit of breath-holding until the finished product is in hand.  

And that's it.  Those are my projects.  Apparently there is life after grad school, where you have time for things like "hobbies" and "rest" and "not doing homework".  This life I'm getting the opportunity to live, its downright glorious, I tell ya.  I'm going to try my darndest to keep to this list, but I do have a few other things I need to make by Christmas time, so we'll see.  Ask me not for a promise, and I'll tell you no lie.

Are you making anything?  Please share it with me, I love to know what you're up to!  And also, lest you think I "do it all" I'd like to you to know that cleaning the house is the thing that gives when something's got to.  I just ignore it.  So "all" is not done.  In case you wondered ;)
<3 M.


  1. Ahhh! LOVE the fabric...I mean, the Clemson stuff is pretty great and all... :) Your ideas rock! I miss you. And your creativity. And how awesome you are. And Thanksgiving is just around the corner. My heart just shed a tear. But SO glad you are near family (that family up there, not your family down here). PS-Hope was refusing to talk to David bc she thought he took Dante's place. She is ever so loyal to your man!

    1. You're so sweet!! And yes, my "family down there" still counts as family, miss you all so much! Sweet Hope, she loves so big!

  2. You're wrong! She *coughannoyinglycough* points out every. single. tiger. paw. that she sees. Like, makes me turn around and squat down so that she can point them out on the back of my shirts. So, a blanket full of tiger paws just for her? Oh. Her face. I will get it on video for you.

    1. Well then, I guess I'll have to get straight to work! I've even got a little personalization idea in mind, so unless you've got a secret and are going to need to pass this down the line someday, I'm gonna go with it... :)


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